Thursday 7 August 2014

The World’s Second but God’s First Choice

By Melina Maria Afonso

“Impressed by the Jesuits, King John III of Portugal asked the order for missionaries to travel to Portuguese India, where the king believed that Christian values were eroding among the Portuguese. Though Loyola initially selected others for the task, Xavier stepped in when a fellow priest became ill.”

For Loyola probably Francis Xavier was just a newly ordained priest and it must have been difficult for him to delegate such a huge responsibility to a young priest. However God’s plans were definitely different. And Francis Xavier was God’s choice for this mission. The zeal and enthusiasm that Francis worked with probably surprised the people who even chose him. He shouldered this responsibility with most importance and spread the word of God far and wide. He braved sickness and pain, rebels and resentment with uttermost commitment for the duty he was chosen for. He was truly God’s first choice for this mission.

So many times in our lives too we experience situations like these. So many times we are second choices sometimes with other options still left and sometimes with no option left but to choose us. Do we make the most of these opportunities is what we need to reflect upon. And do we accept these opportunities as God’s plan in our lives. Dear friends, the World is so huge. So many opportunities in life that God sometimes gives us to choose from or sometimes forces upon us knowing what the best is. As humans we have our limitations of how we choose people for a particular task. But there are so many talented people out there in the World whose potential no one knows except God. And that’s probably the reason why we become second choices.

This year as the Archdiocese of Goa prepares for the Exposition of the Sacred Relics of St. Francis Xavier let these lead us to not only be a part of the veneration of the Sacred Relics of the Saint but let us reflect on the life of St. Francis. He was a person of strong and deep faith that let Him to overcome all hurdles and spread the good news. The theme for this year and for the Exposition ” Faith Creates Communion, Strengthens Family, Commissions to Renew the Society” calls us to look beyond the veneration of the Sacred Relics and to prepare ourselves with faith and imbibe the faith with which St. Francis Xavier lived and went places. Let us work towards this faith enriching our lives, families and communities.

Whether a first or second or third choice of the World working hard, with enthusiasm, zeal, commitment and trust in God is what we are called for. Let every small work we do be a manifestation of the opportunity given to us by God. And may our work be a proclamation of us being God’s First Choice like St. Francis Xavier. 

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